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lundi 25 juillet 2016

So, guys, I'm back from LONDON!! It's been always, London is such a vibrant city, full of colors and great food despite everyone's belief!
Let's go back to day one, I left with two of my bests friends on Saturday morning, me being me I didn't have any pounds...So first things first, go to an ATM to have some cash! then we bought an Oyster card...those cards are really handy, you put a certain amount on them depending on where you want to go, most of our adventurous weekend was in one specific zone so it was about £25.

Well, let's continue, we went straight to our youth hostel, the YHA that youth hostel was really beautiful, really modern and the staff is super nice...they were sorry that France loose the match against Portugal hahaha they really are great! it's pretty clean even if the showers could be better as long as I have hot water I'm fine! the breakfast was good, the only shame is that there is no more animation after 11 pm but that's London in general so I have nothing to say about it!
Since you never know if it's going to rain or all of a sudden be warm and sunny! we pack heavily...I was wearing my pants thinking that it would rain...well I was wrong guys...I had my only short all weekend, expect to hang out at night and Monday since we had some shopping! (but that's for later!!)

Well I won't tell you all the details, don't want you to get bored but we went to Notting Hill to see the colorful houses and the market full of food...I LOVE FOOD in case you haven't noticed yet!!
Without any surprises it was crowded...but on a Saturday that was no surprise, it didn't stop us though and we enjoyed every second of it!

I do love markets as well, it's amazing to see people talk to each other and interact with one another, and frankly when it's vintage it's even better! So we simply stroll and took pictures of everything (especially the doors...that's one of the things we came for after all).
But I have to admit that we were looking for food after a while...the first thing we've noticed, well it's dessert! Then what would accompany the dessert...(SMOOTHIE!!) and finally after a very long and very dirty struggle we went for the was really hard between the food from all over the world but my last fight has been between a hot dog and a £3.50 cheeseburger.

After we devour...yes we devoured our burgers...I was so hungry that it barely last 3minutes! we kept strolling until we buy dessert and then walk straight to the Holland Park for a break!

Then we went back to our hotel to change and get ready for THE reason we were in London...The Romeo and Juliet play at the GARRICK THEATRE played by Lily James and Richard Madden. That was a birthday gift my friend and I offered to my other friend (still with me?).
I've never been that excited in my entire life...and quite disappointed too because the lovely Richard had broken his ankle and so didn't play our dearest, Romeo. But still, it was amazing to see Lily James and all the other actors for real! you know when you never see an actor for real they stay like a kind of myth (Right! I'm the only one thinking this, am I not?)

Well, these days were still amazing, One of my friends lived in London for 4 months and she was happy as a clam ( I think that is the way you say it?) to be back in her adoptive home!
We ended up our evening in a Pub (nope I am not an alcoholic...just like pubs!) the Three Greyhounds. It was really nice but same problem, it was almost 11 pm and it was about to close so we only had one drink and went home (to the hostel).

If you want the addresses of all the place I've been eating or drinking or shopping...I'll do a post about it, then you'll just have to click there! I wrote a post just with all the addresses... whenever I can.

Hope you liked it, maybe I am writing too much about my life haha, tell me if you liked it or think that it's too long and that I don't need to tell that much about my travel...I mean I would have written the same way in my travel diary.

ps: Some of those photos have been taken by Emeline aka Emelinespictures on Instagram.




samedi 16 juillet 2016

 I said I would write a post about this a while ago, but there were things going on and I had other posts to write before this one.

So why should we choose carefully the people we go abroad with? well first because obviously (and I would know about it) if you don't have the same temper it will be awful for all of you to continue the Journey, second because you may not have the same priority, the same things you want to see or do, so that would be a problem, three be careful to choose someone you know very well,
example: don't go live abroad with your friend or the people you decided to go with, when you know that this person listens to Rap when you listen to Rock music, necessarily things WILL GO WRONG!! It's not about music really I mean I have friends that listen to RAP but it's more about the way to feel and see things that could be too different. I hope you understand what I mean!

When your friend or someone else smokes weed and you don't or if she or he acts like a spoiled princess or prince when you don't give a damn about not having a proper shower in three days because you're stuck in the desert. Things like that!!

I don't say that there is a right list when you choose a person to go with you, but that important if you want your travel to go well, to know what to expect, really!
I didn't when I was in Australia and I left with my cousin!! We discovered our incompatibility quite the hard way, and it put a quick end to our trip, that's why I'm writing this post, I think it is truly important for people to really know the person you go with...I know I left with my cousin I should know her better than other but that was my mistake, I thought that despite our differences we were family so it would be okay...I've never been that WRONG in my entire life!
But hey! we're humans, we make mistakes, it's still an experience to take and learn from.

Well let's go back to the purpose of that post and not talk about me for a second, so choose cautiously that person who will share your space!


About that!

-   Be sure to always have a time of your is very important even if it's only  half a day, it's important for your mind and your spirit to breath and have a moment for yourself (that should prevent murder, fights or abandoning someone in the middle of the desert to die!) of course you don't do that most of it are against the's was hard but I resisted and my cousin is still alive!

(That is the kind of desert I'm talking about!! (resist!))

-   Avoid tiny spaces, don't live in a van or in a car or Something like that for too long! you need to step away, find a motel or a youth hostel even for one night or two, the best would be to have a room for yourself but a real bedroom (even if you're both Inside) will already help you to feel better because you won't be at each other's feet.

( You already have to survive showers like this one, no need for you to  support your awful travel companion)

-   Discuss (if any discussion is possible...not always the case) about your problems, what's wrong with each other, and try to figure out what you can do about it! Listen to what the other reproaches you...

-    Plan things you want to do together, things you want to see and make a plan, it might just calm the tensions.

-   Make friends of your own, (that one is probably the most important!)
Others that shares your interests and passions if that's not the case of the person you left with. And that person needs to do the same on her/his side, so he or she won't get jealous of you and bring out even more fights.

-   If you have to settle down for a while, because of work or an apartment or even smaller who cares! Do it with what you can afford...that can only help, you'll have your own space and you'll be able to have a life of your own, not forced to go anywhere because of the van.

Maybe there's other advises, maybe better ones I don't know, but I'm pretty sure that if I have had that advice before my trip to Australia would already have been better.

In an emergency, if really you can't go on with the person you went abroad, go on separate ways, I know how scary it is to leave a familiar face and go on your own, but you will be just fine I can bet on it!!
If you lived the van life...well talk to that person either you keep the van and pay her or his part or he or she does... then find that place you felt good about and just continue your adventure over there until you feel able to go somewhere else.

I know that my advice is more about going abroad for a long period of time, not just on holidays, that's probably because I hope for you that anyone you'll go on Holiday with, will be able to behave itself for holidays I mean it's not supposed to be stressful right? but I think that my advice can still apply that way.

Well, I hope you will never have to experience that and that your travels will go amazingly and that you'll enjoy every part of it, but in case I'm here for advice and I hope this post can help you!



samedi 2 juillet 2016

I'm sorry I was supposed to post it two weeks ago, but life caught up with me and I was quite busy.
So when I say "this weekend" think of the weekend two weeks ago!

SO Welcome my friends to "Le Manoir des Parcs" in Normandy, this amazing place is dedicated to events, I had the pleasure to celebrate two birthdays this weekend in that beautiful manor.
And I had the total, the place counts about 12 rooms with at least 3 beds each, so you can pretty much have a big delirious party in that Manor!

The Manor is located in 5 minutes of Lisieux, 20mn of Deauville / Trouville; 30 min of Honfleur; 45mn of Caen, Havre and of Ouistreham, 1h00 of  Rouen and the d-day beaches. 

The manor is an old summer residence from the 18th century surrounded by a beautiful park with 250 years old trees, an Orangery and an inside pool and a spa.

 It's a really great place to enjoy yourself and your friends... Lucky for us the summer weather was there, everything can happen even good weather in Normandy (just kidding it happens a lot).

If you go there you might also meet our friend the Donkey, some Ponies, sheep and if you're Lucky enough some Deers.

I really had a great weekend there, but the place isn't much without a good host and great friends, my friends had prepared for us a private firework, dancing giant people/robots (not sure how to call them), a private food truck and lots of fun!! creativity is a must during parties!! everything was there, the place really was a must! and no neighbors to complain!! I don't really know what much to say about it, our weekend can be summaries in a few word Alcohol (since it's a party...come'on) Music and Pizza, lots lots of Pizza, Pizza in the morning, Pizza in the afternoon, Pizza on the evening and Pizza at night... Like I said Lots of Pizza!! So friends, enjoy your weekend, your parties, not doing much this weekend but the next one is going to be AMAZING since I'm going to ... LONDON!!! Stay tuned I have a lot of things to tell you and to write!