jeudi 28 septembre 2017

Hello guys! 

To tell you the truth it was my sixth or seventh times in London and I'm still loving the place, sure it might seem like I've seen and done all there's to do in London but I can assure you that's not the case!
After all this time I still manage to find places I've never been before, a restaurant I've never eaten to and the experience is never the same because the people I go there with are never the same.

For once I went there with my family and how lucky we were, I never had such an amazing weather, it was sunny and warm for three days, while it was raining in Paris haha, you could see the Londoners in shorts and shirts, children with no clothes on, everybody in the many parks simply enjoying some sun.

During this long weekend, we walked along the Thames from Big Ben to the Tower Bridge, Then from the London Tower to the Subway to go to Notting Hill to have fun in the Creole Carnival, one advice it's no place to be with your family... It could have been fun with friends and when you are prepared because for us it was more of a Festival than a Carnival and we had no us it was like the world was about to end and everybody just wanted to get drunk and high and scream and danced until everything was I said we were not prepared.

Then we walked to Paddington just to rest in Kensington Gardens, after this very long day of walking around London. Sometimes it's really nice to enjoy doing nothing, lying down in a park, talking and laughing...until it's dinner time!

Of course, we walked in Hyde Park as well, trying to touch some squirrels, went to London center and did some shopping, where do you go shopping in London? Picadilly Circus and Oxford street of crouse... try to see and do as much as possible during our stay!
And since the weather was amazing it was like the entire population of London was out on the street, not so great when you're doing some shopping but it really showed us what an exciting City London is, it was electrifying, all the people and the shows on the streets, it was full of life...I Loved it!

 What I wanted to do most of all was Camden Market, you know how I love my markets haha but then I heard about the fire and I was so sad, what a beautiful multicultural place had been destroyed...
But then we did Notting Hill on Saturday morning and they actually put the two markets together, I was in heaven! It was the longest market ever but you could distinctly see Notting Hill Market from Camden Market.

Since it was the first time in London for some of us, we went to Buckingham Palace and St James Park, I have to say that I did Buckingham and St James the first time I was in London, so back in 2005...It brought back a lot of memories because London was actually my very first abroad travel, It's London that first gave me the lust for travels, and ever since I can't stop visiting the world. That must be why London is a place I can't stop coming back to.

Few food adresses:

  • CERU: levantine food, super good (try the cocktails they're amazing!!)
  • JAVA U : Perfect for breakfast and brunches.
  • Tommi's BURGER JOINT: One of the best burger I ate in my life!!

I just love London and if you know more adresses or places in London I should go to, please leave them in the comment!

Ever been to London? More original adresses? I'm a food lover so please don't hesitate.


2 commentaires on "MY SWEET LONDON !!!"
  1. Hi. It's clear you had a great time in London. Amazing pictures there. You should recommend more places to visit. I've never been, but now I feel like I should really visit London too.

    1. Hi thanks for your comment, You should definitely go to London it’s an amazing city, I think I’ve recommended all the places I know and like but I if I’ve missed some i’ll make sure to posts them in my guide ;)
